Deborah Burtonshaw, daughter of William Burtenshaw, bricklayer and Hannah Burtenshaw [Garrett]
7th Jun 1836
In the Parish of Framfield, Sussex
Lewes Parish Registers
24th Oct 1836
At Jireh Calvanistic Independent Chapel in the Parish of Lewes, Sussex; daughter of William Burtonshaw and Hannah Burtonshaw
Lewes Parish Registers
6th Jun 1841
At Uptons in the Parish of Framfield, Sussex; Deborah Burtenshaw, F, [Daughter], age 5, born Sussex
1841 Census
Framfield, Sussex
30th Mar 1851
At High Cross in the Parish of Framfield, Sussex; Daughter
1851 Census
Framfield, Sussex

The ancestral pedigree of Deborah Burtonshaw
 William Burtenshaw
m: 23rd Sep 1818 St. Thomas à Becket's Church, Framfield, SussexHannah Garrett 
 b: 1797 South Malling, Sussex  b: 1796 Framfield, Sussex 
John  Thomas Jabez William Benjamin Hannah Deborah Naomi
b: 1819 Framfield, Sussex
ch: 21st Mar 1819 St. Thomas à Becket's Church
  b: 9th Sep 1825 Framfield, Sussex
ch: 30th Oct 1825 Jireh Calvanistic Independent Chapel, Lewes, Sussex
 b: 1828 Framfield, Sussex
ch: 27th Apr 1828 Jireh Calvanistic Independent Chapel, Lewes, Sussex
d: Sep 1828 Framfield, Sussex
bur: 5th Sep 1828 St. Thomas à Becket's Church, Framfield, Sussex
 b: 1830 Framfield, Sussex b: 1833 Framfield, Sussex
ch: 7th Feb 1833 St. Thomas à Becket's Church
d: Feb 1833 Framfield, Sussex
bur: 12th Feb 1833 St. Thomas à Becket's Church, Framfield, Sussex
 b: 20th Feb 1834 Framfield, Sussex
ch: 6th Jul 1834 Jireh Calvanistic Independent Chapel, Lewes, Sussex
 b: 7th Jun 1836 Framfield, Sussex
ch: 24th Oct 1836 Jireh Calvanistic Independent Chapel, Lewes, Sussex
 b: 1839 Framfield, Sussex
 b: 10th Mar 1821 Framfield, Sussex
ch: 22nd Apr 1821 Jireh Calvanistic Independent Chapel, Lewes, Sussex
Parental record

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