Adrian Hanizet
c 1500
In the Country of Belgium
Mary Jenner's research
c 1525
before 1530
Birth of a son
In the Parish of Horsham, Sussex
Mary Jenner's research

Mary Jenner's research

A 16th Century Murder

Every family has its black sheep, and the Hunnisett black sheep was Adrian. He clearly had a disagreement with someone which ended in violence, as this extract from a Coroner's report at Uckfield, Sussex, dated 30 October 1543 shows:

Between 4 and 5pm on 28 July in Frankham Park in Wadhurst Adrian Annesett late of Wadhurst, 'Frengman', murdered Jordan Tassen late of Wadhurst, 'Frengman', with a knife called 'a Flemysprake' worth 3d. which was held in his right hand, giving him a wound in the right side 2 inches long of which he immediately died. John Annesett late of Wadhurst, 'Frengman', aided and abetted him in committing the murder, after which they both immediately fled.

'Frengman' indicates that both were of French origin, although the term was often used of English-born children of immigrants. A 'flemysprake' was a knife of Flemish origin. Adrian was outlawed at Chichester on 10 April 1550, but was later pardoned. I have not been able to prove this man YET, but it is very likely he is direct line.

The ancestral pedigree of Adrian Hanizet
 Adrian Hanizetm: c 1525Mrs 
 b: c 1500 Belgium  b: c 1500 
 b: Before 1530 Horsham, Sussex 
Family record

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